For Realtors

Let's Work it out!

Dear broker colleagues,

You have been able to get to know me in my preface. More interesting is what I can do for you. I can be your partner in all transactions you are dealing with but unfortunately can not do, due to a lack of liquid assets. I will finance all your transactions if you take full responsibility for a succesfull short-term (maximum 3 months) transaction. For a longer term other conditions may apply. You can take care of the final sales and handling yourself. Our financial compensation will be 50% of the remaining amount after deducting costs.

For further information, you can contact me by sending an email to info@world or by calling +31648088423

Gerard Willem van Eck

We use our in-home real estate knowledge and your local realtor expertise for value-driven investments with attractive risk-reward.

We offer a three month partnership whereby we will finance all transactions of the real estate deal and split the profit. 

World Estate Brokers also offers partnerships for a duration between 3 months and 2 years. For more information you can contact us.


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